Rules of Conduct

Rules of conduct on the plane

Rules of conduct for passengers on board an aircraft of Ural Airlines

1. General Provisions
1.1. Air transport is a hazardous industry. The protection of passengers and crew members of aircraft from acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation, as well as ensuring flight safety are the main priorities in the airline's activities and are ensured by a wide range of measures, the basis for the implementation of which is the implementation of established norms, rules and procedures by all participants in air transportation.
1.2. These “Rules for the conduct of passengers on board an aircraft of Ural Airlines Airlines OJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed and put into effect in order to ensure flight safety, increase the level of passenger comfort, and prevent the commission of various offenses on board the aircraft of the Airline.
1.3. The passenger’s behavior on board the aircraft and compliance with the established rules are an important component of ensuring the safety of the flight.

2. Rights and obligations of a passenger
2.1. The passenger has the right:

  • require the provision of services provided for by the terms of the contract of air transportation;
  • contact the crew members and demand protection from them in cases where his life, health or personal dignity is in danger;
  • offer their services in providing medical assistance to passengers (if acceptable) and / or as an assistant in preparing for an emergency landing.

2.2. A passenger on board an aircraft must:
  • comply with these Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft.
  • unconditionally comply with the requirements of the aircraft commander and recommendations of other crew members related to ensuring flight safety:
  • take a place in the cabin in accordance with the boarding pass, and if necessary, in order to ensure flight safety, - in accordance with the instructions of the crew members of the aircraft;
  • to place hand luggage and personal belongings in specially designated places indicated by the flight attendant;
  • fasten safety belts when the “Fasten belts” sign is turned on and leave them clasped until the warning sign turns off.

2.3. Passengers are prohibited from:
  • smoking, including electronic cigarettes, throughout the flight;
  • drink alcohol other than those offered on board the aircraft;
  • use narcotic or psychotropic substances;
  • create conditions uncomfortable for other passengers;
  • enter the cockpit and intervene in the actions of the flight crew;
  • distract or create obstacles to crew members in the performance of their duties, as well as give them instructions regarding the flight;
  • use electronic devices and communications (including mobile phones) during taxiing, take-off and landing;
  • damage (disable) the property or equipment of the aircraft owned by the airline and / or remove it from the aircraft;
  • use emergency equipment without crew instructions;
  • to leave their place when taxiing the aircraft, at the stages of take-off, climb, descent and landing with the “Fasten seat belts” display on;
  • commit hooligan acts and actions that degrade the honor and dignity of others, as well as actions that may provoke aggressive actions on the part of others;
  • disrespect and aggressive attitude towards other passengers and crew members (raise voice, swear at the address of surrounding passengers or insult flight attendants, etc.);
  • to leave the aircraft without the permission of the aircraft commander (crew members);
  • bring weapons to the cabin or its imitation;
  • carry out other inappropriate actions that may endanger the health and life of passengers or affect the safety of the flight.
  • to make photo - video shooting of the crew members of the aircraft and passengers without their consent. In accordance with Art. 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "... the use of the image of a citizen (including his photograph, as well as video recordings) is allowed only with the consent of this citizen."
A passenger who has performed the above actions, as well as not fulfilling the requirements of crew members to comply with the rules and regulations for ensuring flight safety and aviation security, is recognized as a violator of these Rules.
For violation of the established Rules when flying on domestic airlines of the Russian Federation, the passenger is liable in accordance with the requirements of the current Russian legislation, and for flights on international airlines - in accordance with the requirements of air international law (international conventions) and the laws of the country of destination or the country of intermediate landing , regardless of the country of registration or operation of the aircraft.

3. Responsibility of passengers for violation of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft and failure to comply with transport safety requirements
3.1. Responsibility of passengers for violation of the requirements for observing transport safety at transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles is provided for by Art. 263.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 11.15.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative violations.
3.2. In order to ensure the safety of passengers and crew members of the aircraft, on the basis of Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the airline (carrier) has the right to unilaterally terminate the passenger air carriage agreement in the following cases:

  • if the state of health of the passenger of the aircraft requires special conditions of air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents, as well as creates a mess and fatal inconvenience to other persons;
  • violation by the passenger of the aircraft of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft, creating a threat to the flight safety of the aircraft or threatening the life and health of other persons, as well as non-compliance by the passenger of the aircraft with the orders of the aircraft commander presented in accordance with Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence in the things that are with the passenger, as well as in baggage, cargo, of prohibited items or substances for air transportation.
3.3. In accordance with the provisions of Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the aircraft commander has the right:
  • in order to ensure flight safety, give orders to any person on board the aircraft and demand their execution;
  • apply all necessary measures, including coercive measures in respect of persons who, through their actions pose an immediate threat to flight safety and refuse to obey the orders of the aircraft commander;
  • upon arrival of the aircraft at the nearest airfield, remove such persons from the aircraft, and in the case of an act containing signs of a crime, transfer them to law enforcement authorities.

3.4. In accordance with the Convention on Crimes and Some Other Acts Committed on Board an Aircraft (Tokyo, 1963) and the practice of its application in international civil aviation, any crew member has the right to:
  • take reasonable preventive measures without the permission of the aircraft commander, if there is sufficient reason to believe that such measures must be taken immediately to ensure the safety of the aircraft or persons and property on it;
  • stop serving alcoholic beverages to passengers in a state of both intoxication and any other intoxication;
  • to withdraw from passengers for the duration of the flight (with subsequent return at the end of the flight) their alcoholic beverages, including those purchased in duty-free shops on board the aircraft.
In the event of termination by the airline (carrier) of the contract of air transportation due to violation by the passenger of sub-paragraph "2" of paragraph 3.2. of these Rules, the amount paid for air transportation is not returned to the passenger of the aircraft.
The rights granted to the commander (crew members) of the aircraft specified in paragraphs. 3.2 - 3.4 are implemented by:

  • delivery to the passenger of the “Order on the need to stop the violation of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft” if the verbal demand of the aircraft commander (crew member) has not been fulfilled;
  • preparation of the “Act on violation of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft”, if the aircraft commander decided to remove the passenger from the aircraft and transfer it to law enforcement agencies. In this case, one copy of the act is handed over to law enforcement authorities, the second is attached to the flight task, the third is handed to the passenger.

Dear passengers arriving in the Russian Federation from abroad!

In order to prevent the spread of coronovirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is mandatory for all persons arriving from other countries to fill out a questionnaire on the State Service portal

A phone or laptop screen with confirmation of the completed application form on the State Service portal, or a printed version of the document must be shown to the border officer of the airport of the Russian Federation during passport control.

  • Buying and returning a ticket
  • Baggage
  • Preparation for flight
  • At the airport
  • On board
    • Rules of conduct on the plane

      Rules of conduct for passengers on board an aircraft of Ural Airlines

      1. General Provisions
      1.1. Air transport is a hazardous industry. The protection of passengers and crew members of aircraft from acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation, as well as ensuring flight safety are the main priorities in the airline's activities and are ensured by a wide range of measures, the basis for the implementation of which is the implementation of established norms, rules and procedures by all participants in air transportation.
      1.2. These “Rules for the conduct of passengers on board an aircraft of Ural Airlines Airlines OJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed and put into effect in order to ensure flight safety, increase the level of passenger comfort, and prevent the commission of various offenses on board the aircraft of the Airline.
      1.3. The passenger’s behavior on board the aircraft and compliance with the established rules are an important component of ensuring the safety of the flight.

      2. Rights and obligations of a passenger
      2.1. The passenger has the right:

      • require the provision of services provided for by the terms of the contract of air transportation;
      • contact the crew members and demand protection from them in cases where his life, health or personal dignity is in danger;
      • offer their services in providing medical assistance to passengers (if acceptable) and / or as an assistant in preparing for an emergency landing.

      2.2. A passenger on board an aircraft must:
      • comply with these Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft.
      • unconditionally comply with the requirements of the aircraft commander and recommendations of other crew members related to ensuring flight safety:
      • take a place in the cabin in accordance with the boarding pass, and if necessary, in order to ensure flight safety, - in accordance with the instructions of the crew members of the aircraft;
      • to place hand luggage and personal belongings in specially designated places indicated by the flight attendant;
      • fasten safety belts when the “Fasten belts” sign is turned on and leave them clasped until the warning sign turns off.

      2.3. Passengers are prohibited from:
      • smoking, including electronic cigarettes, throughout the flight;
      • drink alcohol other than those offered on board the aircraft;
      • use narcotic or psychotropic substances;
      • create conditions uncomfortable for other passengers;
      • enter the cockpit and intervene in the actions of the flight crew;
      • distract or create obstacles to crew members in the performance of their duties, as well as give them instructions regarding the flight;
      • use electronic devices and communications (including mobile phones) during taxiing, take-off and landing;
      • damage (disable) the property or equipment of the aircraft owned by the airline and / or remove it from the aircraft;
      • use emergency equipment without crew instructions;
      • to leave their place when taxiing the aircraft, at the stages of take-off, climb, descent and landing with the “Fasten seat belts” display on;
      • commit hooligan acts and actions that degrade the honor and dignity of others, as well as actions that may provoke aggressive actions on the part of others;
      • disrespect and aggressive attitude towards other passengers and crew members (raise voice, swear at the address of surrounding passengers or insult flight attendants, etc.);
      • to leave the aircraft without the permission of the aircraft commander (crew members);
      • bring weapons to the cabin or its imitation;
      • carry out other inappropriate actions that may endanger the health and life of passengers or affect the safety of the flight.
      • to make photo - video shooting of the crew members of the aircraft and passengers without their consent. In accordance with Art. 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "... the use of the image of a citizen (including his photograph, as well as video recordings) is allowed only with the consent of this citizen."
      A passenger who has performed the above actions, as well as not fulfilling the requirements of crew members to comply with the rules and regulations for ensuring flight safety and aviation security, is recognized as a violator of these Rules.
      For violation of the established Rules when flying on domestic airlines of the Russian Federation, the passenger is liable in accordance with the requirements of the current Russian legislation, and for flights on international airlines - in accordance with the requirements of air international law (international conventions) and the laws of the country of destination or the country of intermediate landing , regardless of the country of registration or operation of the aircraft.

      3. Responsibility of passengers for violation of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft and failure to comply with transport safety requirements
      3.1. Responsibility of passengers for violation of the requirements for observing transport safety at transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles is provided for by Art. 263.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 11.15.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative violations.
      3.2. In order to ensure the safety of passengers and crew members of the aircraft, on the basis of Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the airline (carrier) has the right to unilaterally terminate the passenger air carriage agreement in the following cases:

      • if the state of health of the passenger of the aircraft requires special conditions of air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents, as well as creates a mess and fatal inconvenience to other persons;
      • violation by the passenger of the aircraft of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft, creating a threat to the flight safety of the aircraft or threatening the life and health of other persons, as well as non-compliance by the passenger of the aircraft with the orders of the aircraft commander presented in accordance with Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;
      • the presence in the things that are with the passenger, as well as in baggage, cargo, of prohibited items or substances for air transportation.
      3.3. In accordance with the provisions of Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the aircraft commander has the right:
      • in order to ensure flight safety, give orders to any person on board the aircraft and demand their execution;
      • apply all necessary measures, including coercive measures in respect of persons who, through their actions pose an immediate threat to flight safety and refuse to obey the orders of the aircraft commander;
      • upon arrival of the aircraft at the nearest airfield, remove such persons from the aircraft, and in the case of an act containing signs of a crime, transfer them to law enforcement authorities.

      3.4. In accordance with the Convention on Crimes and Some Other Acts Committed on Board an Aircraft (Tokyo, 1963) and the practice of its application in international civil aviation, any crew member has the right to:
      • take reasonable preventive measures without the permission of the aircraft commander, if there is sufficient reason to believe that such measures must be taken immediately to ensure the safety of the aircraft or persons and property on it;
      • stop serving alcoholic beverages to passengers in a state of both intoxication and any other intoxication;
      • to withdraw from passengers for the duration of the flight (with subsequent return at the end of the flight) their alcoholic beverages, including those purchased in duty-free shops on board the aircraft.
      In the event of termination by the airline (carrier) of the contract of air transportation due to violation by the passenger of sub-paragraph "2" of paragraph 3.2. of these Rules, the amount paid for air transportation is not returned to the passenger of the aircraft.
      The rights granted to the commander (crew members) of the aircraft specified in paragraphs. 3.2 - 3.4 are implemented by:

      • delivery to the passenger of the “Order on the need to stop the violation of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft” if the verbal demand of the aircraft commander (crew member) has not been fulfilled;
      • preparation of the “Act on violation of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft”, if the aircraft commander decided to remove the passenger from the aircraft and transfer it to law enforcement agencies. In this case, one copy of the act is handed over to law enforcement authorities, the second is attached to the flight task, the third is handed to the passenger.

      Dear passengers arriving in the Russian Federation from abroad!

      In order to prevent the spread of coronovirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is mandatory for all persons arriving from other countries to fill out a questionnaire on the State Service portal

      A phone or laptop screen with confirmation of the completed application form on the State Service portal, or a printed version of the document must be shown to the border officer of the airport of the Russian Federation during passport control.

  • After the flight
  • Frequently asked questions