Ural Airlines has summed up the results for September and for nine months of this year

Ural Airlines has summed up the results for September and for nine months of this year


According to the results of the past nine months of 2019, Ural Airlines transported 7,402,383 passengers (+ 6% compared to 2018). On domestic air lines (VVL) - 3 696 961 people, on international air lines (MVL) - 3 705 422 people. A total of 48,405 flights were performed during this period (+ 2% by 2018), including 24,968 on the domestic flights, 23,437 on the international flights. Passenger turnover grew by 7% and amounted to 17,888,506 thousand passengers. km

In September 2019, 993,504 passengers took advantage of the airline's services, which is 2% higher than in 2018. 511 182 people were transported on domestic air lines (VVL), 482 322 people were transported on international air lines (MVL). In September, Ural Airlines completed 6,253 flights, including 2,889 on the MVL and 3,364 on the domestic flights. The passenger turnover in September amounted to 2,395,871 thousand passengers. km (+ 1% to the indicator of 2018).