Ural Airlines has transported more than 6 million passengers since the beginning of the year

Ural Airlines has transported more than 6 million passengers since the beginning of the year


According to the results of eight months of 2019, Ural Airlines transported 6,408,879 passengers (+ 6% compared to 2018). On domestic air lines (VVL) - 3 185 779 people, on international air lines (MVL) - 3 223 100 people. In total, 42,152 flights were performed during this period (+ 2% by 2018), including 21 604 on domestic flights, 20 548 on international flights. Passenger turnover grew by 8% and amounted to 15,492,636 thousand passengers. km

In August 2019, 1,097,717 passengers used the airline's services, which is 2% higher than in 2018. 582 676 people were transported on domestic airlines (MVL), 515 041 people on international airlines (MVL). In August, Ural Airlines completed 6,507 flights, including 2,848 on the MVL and 3,659 on the domestic flights. The passenger turnover in August amounted to 2,600,335 thousand passengers. km (+ 1% to the indicator of 2018).