Ural Airlines offers a list of direct flights from Samara at competitive prices

Ural Airlines offers a list of direct flights from Samara at competitive prices


Prices shown include all fees. The cost may vary depending on the exchange rate. Seats are limited and not guaranteed on every flight.

Route One way There and back again
Foreign destinations
Samara - Tivat from 13637 rubles from 24000 rubles
Tivat - Samara from 15000 rubles from 24000 rubles
Samara Osh from 8760 rubles
Osh Samara from 10920 rubles
Samara-Yerevan from 8310 rubles from 20 608 rubles
Yerevan-Samara from 11708 rubles from 20 608 rubles
Samara-Baku from 7199 rubles from 16988 rubles
Baku-Samara from 9789 rubles from 16988 rubles
Samara-Tbilisi from 7831 rubles from 17320 rubles
Tbilisi-Samara from 9493 rubles from 17320 rubles
Samara Tel Aviv from 10 830 rubles from 23130 rubles
Tel Aviv-Samara from 12 584 rubles from 23130 rubles
Russian destinations
Samara-Sochi from 3800 rubles
from 4400 rubles
Subsidized rates available.

Tickets can be purchased on the official website uralairlines.com, in the UralAirlines mobile application, by calling the call center at 8-800-7700-262 or at the ticket office.