Ural Airlines increased passenger transportation in November by 12%

Ural Airlines increased passenger transportation in November by 12%


In November 2019, 692,221 passengers used the airline's services, which is 12% higher than in 2018. 339,881 people were transported on domestic airlines (MVL), and 352,340 people were transported on international airlines (MVL). In November, Ural Airlines completed 4,842 flights, including 2,401 on the MVL and 2,441 on the domestic flights. Passenger turnover in November amounted to 1,723,441 thousand passengers. km (+15% to the indicator of 2018).

The most popular Russian destinations among passengers in November were: Moscow-Simferopol, Moscow-Sochi, Moscow-Kaliningrad, as well as international flights Yekaterinburg-Dubai, Yekaterinburg-Prague, Yekaterinburg-Barcelona and Moscow-Larnaca.

The main operating indicators of the airline for the period January-November 2019.

For the eleven months of 2019, the airline carried 8,969,657 passengers, which is 7% more than the result of the same period in 2018. On the domestic air lines (VVL) - 4,442,613 people, on the international air lines (MVL) - 4,527,044 people. In total, 59,041 flights were performed during this period (+ 3% by 2018), including the domestic flights - 30,145, the international flights - 28,896 flights. Passenger turnover grew by 8% and amounted to 21,791,951 thousand passengers. km