Attention passengers who have purchased tickets for flights from Zhukovsky to Paris and Nice

Attention passengers who have purchased tickets for flights from Zhukovsky to Paris and Nice


Flights on the Zhukovsky-Paris-Zhukovsky * route were canceled for the period from May 18 to September 21.

From May 18, all flights on the Zhukovsky-Nice-Zhukovsky * route were canceled.

If you purchased tickets on the Zhukovsky-Paris-Zhukovsky route, you will be offered the options:

  • Forced return of air tickets.
  • Flight from Russia along the routes:
    • Zhukovsky - Prague - Paris,
    • Moscow (Domodedovo) - Bordeaux (departures from June 1, 2019);
    • to Russia:
    • Paris - Prague - Zhukovsky,
    • Bordeaux - Domodedovo (departures from June 1, 2019).

If you purchased tickets on the Zhukovsky-Nice-Zhukovsky route, you will be offered the options:

  • Forced return of air tickets.
  • Flight from Russia along the route:
    • Moscow (Domodedovo) - Montpellier (departures from June 2, 2019);
    • to Russia:
      • Nice - Prague - Zhukovsky.
      • Montpellier - Domodedovo (departures from June 2, 2019).

Detailed information in the call-center of the airline at a special number 8-800-700-26-82.

* Russian aviation authorities issued Ural Airlines permissions for scheduled flights Zhukovsky - Paris and Zhukovsky - Nice in November 2018 and February 2019, respectively. Based on the issued permits, the airline has compiled a schedule and opened the sale of tickets. However, in April, the French aviation authorities refused flights to airlines. The refusal was based on the statement that the French aviation authorities considered the Zhukovsky airport as the fourth airport in Moscow, where flights are strictly regulated by intergovernmental agreements.